Monday, July 11, 2016

WPR e-jawn for July 13th

Some words from the management

WPR is not just for the city anymore. Keep sharing awesome shots of taking WPR on the road!

We are going to be running to the Woodlands for the monthly Runners' Happy Hour event at the mansion. Beers will be available for free to members and $10 for non-members. You can also become a member there and help support this wonderful community space. See more info here.

Upcoming Run Sport Activities

The Mayor's Cup Preview Run - Thursday July 14

Philly Mayor's Cup and Parks on Tap are joining forces to preview the Belmont Plateau Pop-up Beer Garden which officially opens Friday, July 15th and preview the Philly Mayor's Cup competition! Run clubs are encouraged to run to the Plateau and a "fun-run" of the 5K course will start at 6:30pm. Enjoy post-run beers in the park and best view of the city skyline. 

Rocky Run, Charge Fitness Workout, and Open Streets PHL Fundraiser - Tuesday July 19

This event is a bit of everything. We are going to have a run through the Italian Market to get our Rocky Balboa on, then do a workout with Charles Scogna of Charge Fitness, and I'll be giving the low down about Open Streets PHL - what you can expect and how to get involved. The event is $15 and the funds all go to Open Streets PHL (thanks!). Wear your  best Rocky workout montage gear and bring shoes to donate to Back on My Feet.

Parks on Tap in Clark Park - Wednesday July 27

If you haven't heard, Philly's got a traveling beer garden this summer that's stopping in a bunch of local parks, including our own Clark Park. We're taking advantage and we'll be spending our Wednesday night there on July 27th. Mark your calendars, tell your friends, and plan to come out to run and/or hang out. We've got a nice deal where $10 gets you 2 beers and a snack.

The Mayor's Cup - Saturday August 13

Join our Mayor's Cup team! We need men and women for the 5K, 5 miler, 10K, 10 miler, and half marathon. Our team password is "Locust."
You can change races after you sign up but you'll have to pay the difference for a more expensive (longer) race and there are no refunds for switching to a shorter race.
And Kyle is putting together his own team of super-soaker bandits who will be around the race to help us stay cool!

This week's routes to The Woodlands
Woodlands Cemetery

6 Miler

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