Monday, June 24, 2013

Get Ready to Sweat It Out - WPR Run Update June 26

Philly weather decided to oblige the summer solstice and get all hot and humid like clockwork - in case you have been locked up in your air conditioned house for the last few days and hadn't noticed. Thanks, Philly!

On top of that, we get the special honor of running on the hottest day of the week! What's that you say, this is the worst? I'm not going to argue with that, but my experience with running in the "worst" weather is that the sense of accomplishment rises to suit the challenge. My most memorable runs are those when I pushed through extreme conditions: running through whipping icy rain, running up and over a mountain, getting up after an hour nap in a van to run in the middle of the night, etc. To me, it's not about going to extremes just for its own sake, but when the situation presents itself, you have to decide whether you're going to get through it or not - and getting through it is exhilarating.

That said, hot and humid weather can be dangerous, so make sure you hydrate like crazy all day on Wednesday and dress in breathable materials. We're ending our run at Dahlak, so we can hang out in the open air where our sweat (and odor) won't offend. Happy Summer!

The week's routes (ending at Dahlak)

2 Miler
4 Miler

6 Miler

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