Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Running across time and space - WPR Run Update May 29

This week we get to explore two West Philly landmarks: Bartram's Gardens and Dahlak Paradise. I think it bears noting that these two places are only separated by two miles and yet they span over two hundred years of history.
That's something to think about as you run through the post-industrial wasteland of the southern Delaware development zone, suddenly come upon the lands of America's earliest horticulturist (flanked by heavy industry, subsidized housing, a brownfield site, and the river, of course), and then reemerge along a dirt road onto the streets of Kingsessing and back out to the gentrifying neighborhood most of us call home. Sounds like an adventure to me.

Don't forget about the ODDyssey Half Marathon on June 9th. It's a costume run so start brainstorming. I did mention getting team costumes a few weeks back, but I decided to leave it open and let your imaginations flourish.

This Week's Routes (ending up at Dahlak 47th and Baltimore Ave)

2 Miler


4 Miler

6 Miler

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